For adult, Ginger has a special focus on science fiction, fantasy, horror, romance, and women’s fiction. For children’s works, she represents young adult and middle grade fiction and nonfiction in all genres. Emailed queries are strongly preferred. Send a query letter and your contact information to submissions (at) GingerClarkLiterary (dot) com. Ginger will respond within two weeks, but only if interested in reviewing materials.
Nicole is looking for middle grade and young adult in all genres. She is particularly interested in great fairytale retellings with colorful twists and stories that tackle difficult subjects in unexpected ways. Please email queries to nme (at) gingerclarkliterary (dot) com with ‘nmequery’ in the subject line, including your query letter, contact information, and the first 15 pages in the body of the email. Nicole will respond within 3 weeks if she’s interested in seeing more.